Pure Endurance

S05E007, Under Maintenance, Endurance

Endurance Season 5 Episode 7

On this episode, we explain the concept of spiritual maintenance.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!


For GoDeeper this week Steven starts us off by pointing out all the maintenance that athletes must do before they can actually exercise, such as warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretching.

He then points out that as Christians we also need some maintenance, so that we function at our best for what God has called us to. Plus, he explains the difference between growth and maintenance.

Steven draws our attention to an interesting verse in James 1 and goes on to give us an analogy for how to maintain our faith using the process of learning to play an instrument.


For the final segment, Nathan asks Steven some questions about his GoDeeper talk:

  1. There’s a Scripture verse that says our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. I suppose that is why we need to take care of our spiritual bodies?
  2. Are we always going to be under maintenance?
  3. You talked about bitterness and other problems we face each day. I suppose they could be allegorically represented by mud trapped in the cogs of a bicycle or dirt that gets caught in a car’s engine. Would you agree?
  4. How do you look after your trainers?

Check out this week’s episode to find out how Stevens answers these questions.

Steven and Nathan

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This episode is taken from the Endurance radio show on Pure247Radio.org/Endurance

Steven D and Nathan Thomas love physical exercise, but the Bible teaches us that spiritual exercise is of greater importance. Join the Endurance team as they explore how faith and fitness meet and how God can help us balance, healthily, physical and spiritual exercise.

Tune in to Pure247Radio every Sunday from 6 till 8pm for more.

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