Pure Endurance

S06E001, Celebrating Progress, Endurance

Endurance Season 6 Episode 1

For our first episode of season 6, we are focusing on celebrating progress in our spiritual and physical lives.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!


For GoDeeper this week, Steven encourages us to celebrate the progress that we make in our faith, as well as in exercise.

He challenges us to keep on making progress in our faith by practicing our giftings and skills. He also gives us a ‘how-not-to’ guide on progressing as a Christian from 2 Timothy.

In addition to all this, he points out that there are certain areas of our life where we will struggle with progress, but we should celebrate those little steps we make.


For the final segment, Nathan asks Steven a couple of questions about his talk:

  1. It’s been said that in your spiritual walk, you are either going forward or backward. Would you say that’s correct?
  2. How do you celebrate your progress?

Watch this, the first episode of this season, to find out Steven’s answers to these questions.

Steven and Nathan

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