Pure Endurance

S06E006, Take a Breather, Endurance

Endurance Season 6 Episode 6

This week, Steven and Nathan are looking at taking breaks. They expound some examples from the Bible, including one from Jesus.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!


For GoDeeper this week, Steven relates taking a breather during a workout to having a break in everyday life. He unpacks an example of a breather in the Bible, and he points us to the example of Jesus who often took breaks.

Steven points out that when taking a break during a run you shouldn’t just stop suddenly, but rather slow to a walk. In addition to this, he gives some ideas of what to do during a break, such as pray or eat a chocolate bar.


For the final segment, Nathan and Steven discuss talk about taking a breather:

  1. Taking a break is actually quite important, isn’t it?
  2. I suppose we need to apply wisdom when taking breaks.

Watch this episode to hear what they discussed.

Steven and Nathan

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